When you want to promote products such that they appear at the top of search results, you can use the boost rule.
Similarly, when you want to demote products such that they appear at the bottom of the search results, then you use the bury rule.
Boost or Bury can be applied globally for all the searches (site rule), specific search queries (search rule), or certain categories (category rule) which are browsed by the customers.
Use cases:
- Promoting products during a sale or festivity.
- Demoting products that have low ratings.
- Promoting a brand or best-seller products.
How to apply a boost or bury?
- Add a rule by following the steps given in this article.
- Now when you add an inner rule, choose the Boost or Bury option in the Operation field.
- Set the slider to adjust the amount of boost or bury you want to apply.
- Configure a condition to match products.
- Select a field or attribute of a product like a name, color, price, etc., then choose a condition that can be either of the following:
- Equals to
- Contains
- Greater than
- Less than
- Greater than or equal to
- Less than or equal to
Set a comparison value, which should complete the condition like “Pattern Contains Floral”
Add more conditions to the attributes by repeating the steps and clicking on the Add button in the rule configuration section.
After you’re done, set a duration and click on the Save button to save this rule and make it active on your store.
Note: When you add multiple conditions, it would be best to set different levels of boost or bury to get perfect results.