The Pin rule allows you to fix the position of products in search results whenever a customer runs a search or browses a category on your store.
With the help of site rules, you can fix the position of a product for all the searches made on the store. With category rules, you can fix the position of products for specific category results, and with search rules, you can fix the position of products for specific search queries.
Boosting specific products would allow them to appear on the top but does place them at a fixed position as the pin does. You can use the pinning rule to place a specific product in the first position and boost similar products based on their ratings.
How to apply a pin rule?
- Add a rule by following the steps given in this article.
- Now when you add a sub-rule, click the Pin tab in the left section.
Click on Add Rule and search for a product that you want to pin.
Select the product and specify a position for it, then click on Add button to apply the rule.
The changes will be applied, and you will see the product at your specified position with a pin icon on it in the live preview.
- Pin more products by repeating the above steps and clicking on the Add button in the rule configuration section.
- After you’re done, set a duration and click on the Save button to save this rule and make it active on your store.
Note: A product cannot be pinned beyond the 50th position.