Data inheritance in Experro is the process of continuously inheriting content from the fallback language until it is localized for a specific language record.
Imagine developing a multilingual website that caters to audiences in English (United States), French (France), Spanish (Spain), and Japanese (Japan). With English (United States) designated as the master language, manually add French, Spanish, and Japanese to the Experro stack.
When adding languages, specify the fallback language for each. The fallback language serves as the parent language from which data is inherited. By default, each language inherits from the master language, but this setting can be changed when adding languages to the stack.
Consider this scenario: A record is created in the master language (e.g., English (United States)). When creating a record in one of the added languages (e.g., French-France), it initially displays data inherited from the fallback language.
This inherited data represents an unlocalized record, meaning it still draws content from its fallback language and hasn't yet been localized for the selected language.
The inheritance process continues until the unlocalized record is localized for a specific language.
Explore the "More Articles" section for further guidance on actions with localized records.