Read Basics of Content Modeling to understand the content structure and how you should define your content schema. A content model consists of multiple fields to define the structure.
Note: A content model can be created by a user having the “Workspace Admin” role or permission to create a content model. Learn more about the roles and permissions.
To create a new Content Model, please follow these steps:
- Go to your workspace.
- Click the Content Model menu option from the left sidebar of the application.
- Click the “+” button and choose to create a 'New Model'.
- A popup dialog will open asking for the following details:
- Model Name - Name for the content type.
- Internal Name - This field value will auto-populate based on the model name that you enter.
- Description - Some more information about the content type. This is an optional field.
- Parent Folder - By default, a default folder is selected, but you can change it to another folder.
- Enable localization for this content type - Enable this option when you want to translate its content to multiple languages.
- Choose the type of content model that you want to create i.e., Single or Multi Entry Type.
- If you select multi-entry, then an option will appear "Enable act as a webpage for this content type”. You can enable it if you're creating this model to be used as a webpage.
- Once done, Click Save.
Once you have created the content model, you can add content fields. Please refer About Fields document.
Related Resources:
- Start populating content entries for the newly created content model. Read more about Creating an Entry.
- Set up proper roles and permissions to manage content models, entries, and assets. Read more about Creating a Role.