Every website has a navigation menu that helps quickly access the required information between pages. In general, we see navigation menus placed in any website's header, footer, or sidebar. As this is an essential requirement for building any visual site, Experro provides built-in tools to create and manage menus. You can quickly build a menu using the drag-and-drop menu interface and style it within your theme per your needs.
Create Navigation Menu
Pre-requisite: You must have structured a content model and created a few entries. Your content model has the “act as webpage” option enabled. Learn more about creating a content model.
You can add links to different content models to your menu. To create a new menu, please follow these steps:
- Go to your workspace Settings > Appearance > Navigation
- Click on the button ‘Add Navigation’ and provide a proper name.
- Hit Save to create a new navigation menu.
Your new menu is created, and now you can add menu items to it.
- You will see a list of content models on the left side; click to view all the content entries.
- You can also search for a content entry.
- Tick the checkboxes available in front of the entries you want to add as a menu item.
- After selecting the pages, click on the Add to Menu button to add them.
- The pages will appear in the right section, which you can reorder by drag and drop.
Creating Multi-level Menus
Many times you want to create a multi-level menu, E.g., a top-level Company menu item can have a drop-down menu with About, Team, and careers as navigation links within it.
You can create a multi-level menu drop-down menu with the drag-drop operation itself. Drag a menu item below the parent item and then slightly to the right, creating a sub-navigation menu. You can repeat the same approach and create multi-level menus.