An asset is any file (image, audio, document, etc.) that you upload in the media manager to use later for displaying on your webpage as an entry using the content library.
Once you have uploaded the files to the media manager, you can perform the following actions:
- Create Upload Asset
- Edit Asset Details
- Delete Asset
- Organize Assets
Note: You need permission to create files or folders, or you should have the “Workspace Admin” role. Learn more about the roles and permissions.
You can add an asset to Media Manager in 2 ways:
- Upload by selecting items from your local space
- Upload by drag and drop
1. Upload items from the local space with a click
To add a new asset directly to the selected folder, please follow the steps:
- Go to your workspace.
- Click the Media Manager menu option from the left sidebar, and you will be directed to the root folder of the media manager, i.e., All Media.
- Assets can be added directly to your default root location, (i.e., All Media) or you can choose or create a folder and upload assets in it.
- Click on the Upload button displayed at the top right corner to upload an asset in the current folder.
- A dialog box will appear showing, you the computer’s local space. Select the file(s) that you want to upload.
- Once done, click on the Open button, and the file(s) will start uploading to the media manager. You can also see the progress of each file upload.
2. Upload items from local space by drag and drop
- Go to Media Manager by clicking on it from the left sidebar.
- Choose the folder where you want to upload the assets.
- Now select the file(s) on your computer’s local space and drag and drop them to the outlined dropzone area.
- When you drop it, the file(s) will start uploading, and its progress will be displayed.
Note: Currently, the drag-and-drop method only works for the first time when there are no files in the folder.
File Validations:
- There are no limitations on the size of a file or the number of files that you can upload at a time.
- In case of any failure, an error message “Upload failed. Retry” is displayed which allows you to retry the files that failed to upload.
- In case of uploading any unsupported files, you will get a “File not supported.” message.
We support the following file formats:
- Images ( .JPG, .JPEG, .GIF, .TIFF, .PSD, .PNG, .SVG, .AI, .BMP, .WEBP, .RAW),
- Audio ( .M4A, .FLAC, .MP3, .MP4, .WAV, .PCM )
- Document ( .PDF, .DOC, .DOCX, .DOCM, .ODT )
- Excel ( .XLS, .XLSX, .XLSM, .CSV, .ODS )
- PPT ( .PPT, .PPTX, .KEY, .ODP )
- Zip ( .ZIP, .RAR, .7Z, .BZ, .GZ, .BZ2 )
- Text ( .TXT, .RTF )
- Video is not supported as of now, but we will be supporting it soon :)