You can now customize the template for emails that are sent when the user signs up, forgets the password, or request to reset their password.
How to manage an email template?
You can follow the below steps to view email templates:
- Go to Settings.
- Click on the Emails under the General header in the left side panel.
- You will be redirected to the listing page of email templates, where you can see the list of default templates.
- The default templates are: Sign Up, Reset Password, Forgot Password
- You can perform the following actions on an existing template:
- Edit - Click to edit the details of the template.
- Clone - Click to create a replica of the template and customize it.
- Send Test Mail - Click to send a test email of the template for previewing the end delivery.
- Mark Active / Inactive - Click to disable an active template or enable an inactive template.
- Delete:Click to delete the email template.
Editing an email template
You can edit an email template to customize it as per your need. Simply follow the below steps:
- Hover over an existing template and choose Edit.
- You will be redirected to the edit screen of the template, where you can change the following details.
- Name - Rename the template for your understanding. This is the internal name of the template for you and your team.
- Assign To - This is where you assign an environment to the email template, for which it will be used.
- Preview - This tab will show the preview of the subject and content of the email template and how it will appear to the recipient.
- Code - This tab allows you to edit the subject and content of the email template. The content part is basically HTML-CSS.
- You can update the code as per your need and then switch to the preview tab to check its effect on the appearance of the template.
- You can also send a test mail to yourself from this screen, but you need to save the details of the template first.
Note: There can be only one active template in an environment.
Cloning an email template
Cloning is the easy part, you just have to choose the template you want to clone and then click to clone from its action menu.
It will take you to the edit screen, and then you can make changes to the template to customize it as per your need.
Sending test email
Send a test mail to yourself or any email address to view the email delivery.
- Hover over any template that you want to test out, and click on send a test mail.
- Enter an email address to which you want to send a test email, and hit send button.
- Go to your inbox and check an email from
Note: The option to delete an email template will only appear when the template is not assigned to any environment.