Version History is a record of changes made to content entries over a period of time. This information is valuable for users, and admins as it helps them understand the evolution of content and the improvements made with each save.
Typically, version history includes the following information:
- Version number - the unique identifier assigned to each version.
- Version name - title of version.
- Created by - the name of user who created the version.
- Created on - the date and time when it was created.
- Modified by - the name of user who modified last.
- Modified on - the date and time when it was last modified.
- Status - the status of version in the specific environment i.e., draft, published.
- Content - details of changes made to entries contents.
Version history allows you to compare two versions altogether in a single screen.
You need to follow the below steps to view version history:
- Go to your workspace.
- Open Content Library and choose a content type.
- Click on the three dots displayed in the header, and choose the Version History option.
- You will be directed to a screen as shown below:
- The screen is split into two parts where one displays your currently selected version and the other displays the first version by default.
- You can see the basic information for each version like when was it created and by whom? or when was it modified and its current status with respect to the environment.
- By default, the content of each version is displayed and the changes are highlighted by red color in the left section displaying the current version and green color in the right section displaying another version.
- If you want to view only the differences between the two versions then you can enable the option “View Differences Only”.
- If the content of your entry is available in multiple languages, then you can choose the languages to view its content details for the specific version.
- You can choose to edit the version from here, open it in a new tab, or clone it to make a new version.